Queen Thanks Nation For Jubilee Celebrations, 2012
The events that I have attended to mark my Diamond Jubilee have been a humbling experience. It has touched me deeply to see so many thousands of families, neighbours and friends, celebrating together in such a happy atmosphere.
But Prince Phillip and I want to take this opportunity to offer our special thanks and appreciation to all those who have had a hand in organising these Jubilee celebrations. It has been a massive challenge and I’m sure that everyone who has enjoyed these festive occasions realises how much work has been involved.
I hope that memories of all this year’s happy events will brighten our lives for many years to come. I will continue to treasure and draw inspiration from the countless kindnesses shown to me in this country and throughout the Commonwealth. Thank you all.
humbling /ˈhʌmblɪŋ/、atmosphere /ˈætməsfɪə/、
Prince Phillip /ˈprɪn(t)sˈfɪlɪp/、opportunity /ˌɒpəˈtjuːnəti/、
appreciation /əˌprɪʃiˈeɪʃ(ə)n/、massive /ˈmæsɪv/、festive /ˈfestɪv/、
occasion /əˈkeɪʒ(ə)n/、brighten /ˈbraɪtn/、continue /k(ə)nˈtnjuː/、
treasure /ˈtreʒə/、inspiration /ˌɪnspəˈreɪʃ(ə)n/、countless /ˈkaʊntlɪs/、
kindness /ˈkaɪn(d)nəs/、throughout /θruːˈaʊt/、
Commonwealth /ˈkɒmənwelθ/
スピーチ内の weak forms の例
女王のスピーチにも多くの weak form の例が出てきています(weak form の説明&実演についてはこちらのアーカイブをご覧下さい)。その中のいくつかをとり上げてみたいと思います。weak form で発音されている部分は太字で示してあります。↓
● the events that I have attended…
/ði ɪˈvents ət aɪ həv əˈtendɪd/
● …have been a humbling experience
/həv bin ə ˈhʌmblɪŋ ɪkˈspɪ(ə)riən(t)s/
● It has touched me deeply to see…
/ɪt əz ˈtʌtʃt mi ˈdiːpli tə ˈsiː/
● But Prince Phillip and I…
/bəp ˈprɪnsˈfɪlɪp ən aɪ/(but の /t/ は Prince の /p/ に同化しています。)
● …to offer our special thanks and appreciation…
/tʊ[ʔ] ɒfə ɑː speʃl θæŋks ən əprɪʃiˈeɪʃn/
● …all those who have had a hand…
/ˈɔːl ˈðəʊz hʊ əv ˈhæd ə ˈhænd/
● …and I’m sure that everyone…
/ən aɪm ˈʃɔː ðə[ʔ] ˈevriwʌn/
● …how much work has been involved
/ˈhaʊ mʌtʃ ˈwɜːk həz bin ɪnˈvɒlvd/
● …that memories of all this year’s happy events…
/ðəp ˈmemriz əv ˈɔːl ðɪʃ jɪəz ˈhæpi ɪˈvents/
● …for many years to come
/fə ˈmeni jɪəz tə ˈkʌm/
● …from the countless kindnesses…
/frm ðə ˈkaʊntlɪs ˈkaɪn(d)nəsɪz/
みなさんも weak form を効果的に使って英語らしいリズムで今回のスピーチを朗読してみてください!
Today’s My Singing
さて、今回は久しぶりに Elvis のナンバーを歌ってみましたのでアップします。私は個人的に南ヨーロッパや南国の香りがする曲調が大好きで、この曲はお気に入りの1曲です。“Fountain Of Love” というタイトルの曲で、Elvis のナンバーとしてはマイナーですが、ファンの間では人気があります。スローなテンポなので発音しやすい歌と思われますが、歌詞に出てくる chruning、return、world の母音 /ɜː(r)/ のところで口を大きく開けすぎぬよう注意しないと、せっかくの美しい曲が台無しですね。
One thought of you, my heart begins churning (/ˈtɜː(r)nɪŋ/)
I feel returned to a fountain of love (/rɪˈtɜː(r)nd/)
My lips and eyes, they ache to be near you
To hold you here in my fountain of love
Never be blue should your world start sinking (/wɜː(r)ld/)
Just come and drink from my fountain of love
We’ll build a new world off on a high mountain
We’ll live on our fountain of love
Email: s-tanaka@hatsuon-kyosei.com
HP: http://www.hatsuon-kyosei.com