久しぶりに鼻腔開放 (nasal release) の練習をしてみましょう。(Nasal release のやり方についてはこちらをご覧下さい。)
今回は nasal release で発音できる箇所を含んだ10個のセンテンスで練習してみたいと思います。どのセンテンスも該当する箇所をまず oral release で発音し、次に nasal release でゆっくりと、さらにナチュラルスピードで発音してみたいと思います。(発音は General British です。)↓
● Suddenly, she showed me his handwritten statement.
/ˈsʌdnli ʃiː ˈʃəʊd mi hɪz ˈhændrɪtn ˈsteɪtmənt/
● Gordon was almost forgotten.
/ˈgɔːdn wəz ˈɔː(l)məʊst fəˈgɒtn/
● They are maddened by certain aspects of our service.
/ðeɪ wə ˈmædnd baɪ ˈsɜːtn ˈæspkɪts əv ɑə ˈsɜːvɪs/
● The insects and worms will threaten the cotton plants seriously.
/ðiː ˈɪnsekts ən ˈwɔːmz wɪl ˈθretn ðə ˈkɒtn plɑːnts ˈsɪəriəsli/
● He was badly bitten and beaten.
/hiː wəz ˈbædli ˈbɪtn ən ˈbiːtn/
● That old leaf-patterned curtain looks very modern.
/ðæt ˈəʊld ˈliːf pætnd ˈkɜːtn ˈlʊks veri ˈmɒdn/
● I couldn’t accept any measure likely to widen the gap.
/aɪ ˈkʊdn(t) əkˈsept eni ˈmeʒə ˈlaɪkli tə ˈwaɪdn ðə ˈgæp/
● We wouldn’t have had to just wait and see.
/wiː ˈwʊdnəv hæd tə dʒʌs(t) ˈweɪt n ˈsiː/
● You shouldn’t have hidden it under the table.
/ju ˈʃʊdnəv ˈhɪdn ɪt ʌndə ðə ˈteɪbl/
● I couldn’t have pressed the button if it hadn’t been for your sign.
/aɪ ˈkʊdnəv ˈprest ðə ˈbʌtn ɪf ɪt ˈhædn bin fə jɔː ˈsaɪn/
Today’s my singing
今回は “Datin’” という曲を歌ってみました。この曲は Elvis の1965年の映画 Paradise, Hawaiian Style(邦題は『ハワイアン・パラダイス』)の挿入曲です。“dating” が /ˈdeɪtn/ というぐあいに American でよくあるタイプの nasal release を使って発音していますので注意して聴いてみてください。
Datin’ is a game that grown-ups play
Datin’ means acting in a silly way
Datin’ makes a gal start wiggle walkin’
Datin’ makes a guy start baby talkin’
Dizzy like children on a merry-go-round
Grown-ups are the biggest kids I’ve found
You’d think they belong in a baby carriage
They’re doing things that lead to marriage
But don’t you laugh at what they do, oh no
’Cause some day you’ll be datin’ too
Datin’ makes a guy comb his hair just right
His gal can mess it up when they kiss good-night
Datin’ makes you quarrel and say you’ll break up
Just because it’s so much fun to make up
Children can’t wait to grow up but then
They’re datin’ and they’re acting like kids again
You’d think they belong in a baby carriage
They’re doing things that lead to marriage
But don’t you laugh at what they do, oh no
Some day you’ll be datin’ too
Email: s-tanaka@hatsuon-kyosei.com
HP: http://www.hatsuon-kyosei.com