英語の二重母音 Part 2 — /eɪ/ と /aɪ/


二重母音のパート2です。今回は /eɪ/ と /aɪ/ を練習してみましょう。発音のポイントは、/eɪ/ も /aɪ/ も、それぞれ前半の部分([a] と [e])のほうを強く長めに、後半の [ɪ] の部分は弱く短く発音することです。では、ます /eɪ/ と /aɪ/ を発音します:
/eɪ/ — /aɪ/


まずは /eɪ/ からです。↓


pay /peɪ/、stay /steɪ/、great /greɪt/、streight /streɪt/、
wait /weɪt/、weigh /weɪ/、trading /ˈtreɪdɪŋ/、blade /bleɪd/

次は /aɪ/ を含む単語です。↓


tie /taɪ/、drive /draɪv/、mine /maɪn/、arrive /əˈraɪv/、
five /faɪv/、guide /graɪd/、stripe /straɪp/、night /naɪt/



● I’m afraid you will have to wait for days to obtain it.
→ /aɪm əˈfreɪd ju wɪl ˈhæv tə ˈweɪt fə ˈdeɪz tʊ əbˈteɪn ɪt/
● The rain in Spain stays mainly in a plane.
→ /ðə ˈreɪn ɪn ˈspeɪn steɪz ˈmeɪnli ɪn ə ˈpleɪn/



● I might as well try another one.
→ /aɪ ˈmaɪt əz wel ˈtraɪ əˈnʌðə wʌn/
● I’ve bought a nice car for the first time in my life.
→ /aɪv ˈbɔːt ə naɪs ˈkɑːfə ðə ˈfɜːs ˈtaɪm ɪm maɪ ˈlaɪf/

次は文章の朗読です。今回は Francesca Pridham 著、The Language of Conversation(Routledge 出版)からの一節を朗読してみます。テレビやラジオのナレーターが視聴者に聞かせるようなつもりで朗読してみてください。/eɪ/ または /aɪ/ が含まれている音節は太字で示してあります。↓


Obviously, conversation is constructed with spoken rather than written language. Speech is usually spontaneous and, by its nature, temporary because it has gone as soon as it has been spoken. It can, however, be made permanent through recording and transcription, where transcription is an attempt to represent, in a written form, the sounds and words of the spoken language. The difficulty, however, of transcribing accurately clearly illustrates the differences between spoken and written communication. Communication is obviously far more than words. Communication takes place through body language, prosodic features such as intonation, speed, stress and volume and even through silence or laughter. It is worth exploring, therefore, the specific features of spoken language used as the building blocks of conversation.
(From: Francesca Pridham, 2001, The Language of Conversation, Routledge.)

Today’s my singing
今回私が今回歌ってここにアップしたのは “A Little Bit Of Green” という曲です。さて、このタイトル、「ちょっとグリーン」ってどういう意味でしょう? 英語では ‘green’ は「嫉妬」を表す色なんです。ですから、この歌のタイトルは「ちょっとヤケちゃう」という意味なんです。きれいな曲なので、ぜひ一緒に歌ってみてください。/eɪ/ または /aɪ/ が含まれている音節は太字で示してあります。↓

A Little Bit Of Green 2009.mp3

Now that the truth is hard to face
I can’t forget you once were mine
Someone else is in my place
Whenever we meet my heart beats out of time

Just a little bit of green

Clouds my eyes to what I’ve seen

Just a little bit of green

When I see you with someone new

And knowing that there’s nothing I can do

Please don’t try to tie me down

Those are the words you often say
I can’t help seeing you around

You smile with surprise, I turn my eyes away


Email: s-tanaka@hatsuon-kyosei.com
HP: http://www.hatsuon-kyosei.com

One Response to “英語の二重母音 Part 2 — /eɪ/ と /aɪ/”

  1. rolsworth より:

    I really like when people are expressing their opinion and thought. So I like the way you are writing

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