Email: s-tanaka@hatsuon-kyosei.com
HP: http://www.hatsuon-kyosei.com
Email: s-tanaka@hatsuon-kyosei.com
HP: http://www.hatsuon-kyosei.com
さまざまな地域やさまざまな社会層の人たちの発音音源を記録する際に、音読用としてよく使用される passage がいくつかあります。その中の代表的なもののひとつに “Authur the Rat” があります。もともとは Gertrude Sellon が “I Don’t Know” というタイトルで書いたもののようですが(MacMahon, 1991)、音読者の発音の特徴を効果的に抽出できるように書き換えられてきており、複数のバージョンが存在します。
今回は Sharpe, E. & Rowles, J.H. 著 How to Do Accents で使用されているバージョンの “Authur the Rat” を音読してみたいと思います。
まずは本文に出てくるいくつかの単語の発音を確認していきます。(発音は General British です。)↓
trouble /ˈtrʌbl/, aunt /ɑːnt/, blade /bleɪd/,
grass /ɡrɑːs/, stupidly /ˈstjuːpɪdli/, loft /lɒft/, rafter /ˈrɑːftə/,
rotten /ˈrɒtn/, joist /dʒɔɪst/, scout /skaʊt/, kindly /ˈkaɪndli/,
sigh /saɪ/, roof /ruːf/, decision /dɪˈsɪʒn/, ruin /ˈruːɪn/
それでは音読してみます。発音は General British です。↓
There was once a young rat named Arthur who would never take the trouble to make up his mind. Whenever his friends asked him if he would like to go out with them, he would only answer, ‘I don’t know.’ He wouldn’t say ‘yes’ and he wouldn’t say ‘no’ either. He could never learn to make a choice.
His aunt Helen said to him, ‘No one will ever care for you if you carry on like this. You have no more mind than a blade of grass.’ Arthur looked wise but stupidly said nothing.
One rainy day the rats heard a great noise in the loft where they lived. The pine rafters were all rotten in the middle, and at last one of the joists had given way and fallen to the ground. The walls shook and all the rats’ hair stood on end with fear and horror. ‘This won’t do,’ said the old rat who was chief, ‘I’ll send out scouts to search for a new home.’
Three hours later the seven tired scouts came back and said, ‘We have found a stone house which is just what we wanted; there is room and good food for us all. There is a kindly horse named Nelly, a cow, a calf, and a garden with an elm tree.’ Just then the old rat caught sight of young Arthur. ‘Are you coming with us?’ he asked. ‘I don’t know,’ Arthur sighed. ‘The roof may not come down just yet.’ ‘Well,’ said the old rat angrily, ‘we can’t wait all day for you to make up your mind. Right about face! March!’ And they went straight off.
Arthur stood and watched the other rats hurry away. The idea of an immediate decision was too much for him. ‘I’m going back to my hole for a bit,’ he said to himself dreamily, ‘just to make up my mind.’ That Tuesday night there was a great crash that shook the earth and down came the whole roof. Next day some men rode up and looked at the ruins. One of them moved a board and hidden under it they saw a young rat lying on his side, quite dead, half in and half out of his hole.
MacMahon, Michael K.C. (1991). The woman behind ‘Arthur’. Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 21, pp 29-31.
SELLON, G. (1876). The Man’s Boot, and Other Tales: or, Fabulous Truths in Words of One Syllable. London: Griffith & Farran.
Sharpe, E. & Rowles, J.H. (2009) How to Do Accents. (2nd ed.) Oberon Books Ltd.
Today’s my singing
今回は “Anyway You Want Me” という古いバラード曲を歌ってみましたのでアップします。
I’ll be as strong as a mountain
Or weak as a willow tree
Anyway you want me
Well that’s how I will be
I’ll be as tame as a baby
Or wild as the raging sea
Anyway you want me
Well that’s how I will be
In your hands my heart is clay
To take and hold as you may
I’m what you make me, you’ve only to take me
And in your arms I will stay
I’ll be a fool or a wise man
My darling you hold the key
Yes, anyway you want me
Well that’s how I will be
I will be
Email: s-tanaka@hatsuon-kyosei.com
HP: http://www.hatsuon-kyosei.com
今回は Douglas Sutherland のユーモアたっぷりの風刺本 The English Gentleman の冒頭部分を音読してみようと思います。まずは文中に出てくるいくつかの単語の発音を確認してみましょう。発音は General British です。↓
discomfort /dɪsˈkʌmfət/, mutual /ˈmjuːtʃuəl/,
acquaintance /əˈkweɪnt(ə)ns/, Surrey /ˈsʌri/, damning /ˈdæmɪŋ/,
scheme /skiːm/, shareholder /ˈʃeəˌhəʊldə/,
Hogsnorton-in-the-Wold /ˌhɒɡsnətən ɪn ðə ˈwəʊld/,
Blistering-under-Wychwood /ˌblɪst(ə)rɪŋ ʌndə ˈwɪtʃwʊd/
それでは冒頭部分の朗読を実践してみます。発音は General British です。↓
Gentlemen do not usually live in cities. At whatever discomfort to themselves and their families they prefer to live in the country and then only in selected parts of it.
I can well remember a conversation with an elderly friend of mine about a mutual acquaintance whom we both agreed was a bounder. Although there are few worse things that one gentleman can say about another, my friend went further, ‘He is not only a bounder,’ he declared, ‘he is also a liar.’ These were strong words indeed. ‘What do you think of this?’ he asked. ‘The fellow told me he had a house in the country and I found out he lived in Surrey.’ It was certainly damning evidence.
The truth is that the Home Counties, with their commuter population, housing development schemes and lack of foxes, are no longer suited to the gentleman’s way of life. It upsets his peace of mind to observe the hardships inflicted upon his neighbours by unheated trains and railway strikes, although he himself is unaffected by such things. He has quite enough to do at home without fooling around in the City with stocks and shares or running companies for ungrateful shareholders. Gentlemen prefer to live out of the way places with names like Hogsnorton-in-the-Wold or Blistering-under-Wychwood and grumble about The Times being a day late.
Today’s my singing
今回は “How The Web Was Woven” というバラード曲を歌ってみましたのでアップします。大好きな一曲です。
How the web was woven in my soul, don’t you know
How the web was woven, can’t get loose, can’t let go
Like the weave of a spider, wound around my heart
I’m no longer free
At last I’m where you want me
Don’t you know, that’s where I want to be?
Spinning round like a blue fly, thoughts of you fill my head
And no matter, oh how I try, I can’t sleep in my bed
I’ve been round for the last time
Oh, girl, what can I do?
Oh the time the web was woven,
How I fell in love, fell in love with you
Email: s-tanaka@hatsuon-kyosei.com
HP: http://www.hatsuon-kyosei.com
まずは、アメリカのドラマ Once Upon a Time(ワンス・アポン・ア・タイム)の日本語版予告編で流れるタイトルコールを聞いてみましょう↓
カタカナ読みをしているので “Once” と “Time” の語尾に /u/ が入るのはよく知られた日本語の特徴ですが、“upon” の語尾が /n/ ではなく鼻音化した母音([ɯ])で発音されているのも日本語の大きな特徴です。
次はこの映画のオリジナル(英語版)予告編のタイトルコールです。きちんと /n/ でリンクされているのが重要ポイントです↓
Once Upon a Time /ˈwʌns əpɒn ə ˈtaɪm/
1984年のアメリカ映画 Once Upon a Time in America のタイトルコールも聞いてみましょう。“upon” および “in” のどちらの /n/ も次の語の語頭の母音ときれいにリンクしています↓
Once Upon a Time in America /ˈwʌns əpɒn ə ˈtaɪm ɪn əˈmerɪkə/
語尾の /n/ に関する説明は“語尾の ‘n’ はちゃんと発音しよう” と “語尾の ‘n’ はちゃんと発音しよう Part 2” で確認していただくとして、今回もさらにいくつかの例で発音練習してみたいと思います。
someone else /sʌmwʌn els/
on and off /ɒn ən ɒf/
within an hour /wɪðɪn ən a(ʊ)ə/
given another one a go /gɪvən ənʌðə wʌn e gəʊ/
/n/ の次に /h/ を発音するときも、きちんと舌の尖端を alveolar ridge(歯茎)に接触させてから /h/ に移行します↓
one hundred /wʌn hʌndrəd/
the man hired /ðə mæn ha(ɪ)əd/
the human heart /ðə hjuːmən hɑːt/
on a mountain high /ɒn ə maʊntɪn haɪ/
● They can have an air of suspense.
/ˈðeɪ kən hæv ən ˈeər əv səˈspens/
● Ben-Hur is a 1959 American film.
/ˈben hɜːr ɪz ə ˈnaɪntiːn ˈfɪfti naɪn əˈmerɪkn ˈfɪlm/
● I want to tell Ann how to win horse race betting.
/aɪ ˈwɒnt tə ˈtel ˈæn haʊ tə ˈwɪn ˈhɔːs reɪs ˈbetɪŋ/
● You can hide yourself in high grass.
/ju kən ˈhaɪdʒɔːˈself ɪn ˈhaɪ ˈgrɑːs/
Today’s my singing
今回は “I Can Help” という有名なナンバーに挑戦してみました。ここでは /h/ の前の /n/ をきちんと発音しつつ ‘I can help’ を速く発音するのが重要ポイントになります。歌詞の中でこれに該当する部分と、/n/ で次の母音にリンクすべき箇所を、太字で表しています。
If you’ve got a problem, I don’t care what it is
If you need a hand, I can assure you this
I can help, I’ve got two strong arms, I can help
It would sure do me good to do you good,
Let me help
It’s a fact that people get lonely — it ain’t nothing new
But a woman like you baby, should never have the blues
Let me help, I’ve got laugh for me, I can help
It would sure do me good to do you good
Let me help
When I go to sleep at night, you’re always a part of my dream
Holding me tight and telling me everything I want to hear
So don’t forget me baby, all you gotta do is call
You know how I feel about you, if I can do anything at all
Let me help
If your child needs a daddy, I can help
It would sure do me good to do you good,
Let me help
Email: s-tanaka@hatsuon-kyosei.com
HP: http://www.hatsuon-kyosei.com
本当に久しぶりになってしまいましたが、2013年の締めくくりとして Jane Austin の代表作 Pride and Prejudice の冒頭部分の朗読に挑戦してみたいと思います。皆さんも、ぜひ、風刺の利いたコミカルな雰囲気を十分伝えられるように読む練習をしてみましょう。
Pride and Prejudice /ˌpraɪd ən ˈpredʒʊdɪs/, truth /truːθ/,
neighbourhood /ˈneɪbəhʊd/, property /ˈprɒpati/, Netherfield /ˈneðafiːld/,
impatiently /ɪmˈpeɪʃ(ə)ntli/, objection /əbˈdʒekʃ(ə)n/, chaise /ʃeɪz/,
immediately /ɪˈmiːdiətli/, possession /pəˈzeʃ(ə)n/,
Michaelmas /ˈmɪklməs/, tiresome /ˈta(ɪ)əsəm/, design /dɪˈzaɪn/
それでは冒頭部分の朗読を実践してみます。発音は General British です。↓
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.
However little known the feelings or views of such a man may be on his first entering a neighbourhood, this truth is so well fixed in the minds of the surrounding families, that he is considered the rightful property of some one or other of their daughters.
“My dear Mr. Bennet,” said his lady to him one day, “have you heard that Netherfield Park is let at last?”
Mr. Bennet replied that he had not.
“But it is,” returned she; “for Mrs. Long has just been here, and she told me all about it.”
Mr. Bennet made no answer.
“Do you not want to know who has taken it?” cried his wife impatiently.
“YOU want to tell me, and I have no objection to hearing it.”
This was invitation enough.
“Why, my dear, you must know, Mrs. Long says that Netherfield is taken by a young man of large fortune from the north of England; that he came down on Monday in a chaise and four to see the place, and was so much delighted with it, that he agreed with Mr. Morris immediately; that he is to take possession before Michaelmas, and some of his servants are to be in the house by the end of next week.”
“What is his name?”
“Is he married or single?”
“Oh! Single, my dear, to be sure! A single man of large fortune; four or five thousand a year. What a fine thing for our girls!”
“How so? How can it affect them?”
“My dear Mr. Bennet,” replied his wife, “how can you be so tiresome! You must know that I am thinking of his marrying one of them.”
“Is that his design in settling here?”
Today’s my singing
“Is This The Way To Amarillo” は、Neil Sedaka と Howard Greenfield によって書かれ、イギリスの歌手/俳優 Tony Christie に提供され1971年にリリースされたヒット曲です。Amarillo は米国テキサス衆にある町の名前ですが、歌詞の語呂の良さだけで選ばれた町だそうです。今回はこの名曲を歌ってみましたのでアップします。太字で表記した t については、tap で発音することが大切ですね。
When the day is dawning
On a Texas Sunday morning
How I long to be there
With Marie who’s waiting for me there
Every lonely city where I hang my hat
Ain’t as half as pretty
As where my baby’s at
Is this the way to Amarillo
Every night I’ve been hugging my pillow
Dreaming dreams of Amarillo
And sweet Marie who waits for me
Show me the way to Amarillo.
I’ve been weeping like a willow.
Crying over Amarillo,
And sweet Marie who waits for me.
And Marie who waits for me
There’s a church bell ringing
Hear the song of joy that is singing
For the sweet Maria
And the guy who’s coming to see her
Just beyond the high way
There’s an open plain
And it keeps me going
Through the wind and rain
Email: s-tanaka@hatsuon-kyosei.com
HP: http://www.hatsuon-kyosei.com
今回は The Last Samurai の主人公 Algren が、不平士族の領袖である勝元と出会うシーンの台詞を朗読してみたいと思います。
A scene from The Last Samurai
冒頭のセンテンスの “a thousand years ago” で、日本人は “ago” の “a-” を長くのばしてしまう癖があります。要注意ですね。Algren は General American、勝元は General British で発音してみます。↓
KATSUMOTO: “This temple was built by my family a thousand years ago. My name is Katsumoto. What is your name? (no answer) Are my words not correct? I will practice my English with you … if you would honor me.”
ALGREN: “You kept me alive just to speak English … Then what do you want?”
KATSUMOTO: “To know my enemy.”
ALGREN: “I’ve seen what you do to your enemies.”
KATSUMOTO: “The soldiers in your country do not kill?”
ALGREN: “They don’t cut the heads off defeated kneeling men.”
KATSUMOTO: “General Hasegawa asked me to help you end his life. A Samurai cannot stand the shame of defeat. I was honored to cut off his head. Many of our customs seem strange to you. The same is true of yours. For example, not to introduce yourself is considered extremely rude, even among enemies.”
ALGREN: “Nathan Algren.”
KATSUMOTO: “I am honored to meet you. I have enjoyed this conversation in English.”
ALGREN: “I have questions.”
KATSUMOTO: “I have introduced myself, you have introduced yourself. This is a very good conversation.”
ALGREN: “I have questions.”
KATSUMOTO: “Questions come later.”
ALGREN: “Who was the warrior in the red armor?”
KATSUMOTO: “My brother-in-law, Hirotaro.”
ALGREN: “And the woman who cares for me?”
KATSUMOTO: “My sister, Hirotaro’s wife. Her name is Taka.”
ALGREN: “I killed her husband?”
KATSUMOTO: “It was a good death.”
Today’s my singing
I’m sorry now, girl, but I must leave you
There’s something deep inside my soul keeps calling me
The winter wind, girl, will not deceive you
And in your cold and empty bed, you’ll think of me, oh yes
You’ll think of me
You’ll see me coming, you’ll see me going
Don’t ask me why I’m just the kind needs to be free
Just like that outlaw wind keeps on a-blowin’
Yeah, in your cold and empty bed, you’ll think of me, oh yes
You’ll think of me
Now I know you loved me just like I wanted
I know you’d follow me across an endless sea
But, baby, I’ve got a heart that’s haunted
Yeah, in your cold and empty bed, you’ll think of me, oh yes
You’ll think of me
Ah but you should know, girl, that I’ll be crying
Out on that lonely road where not a soul can see
I’ll shed my tears for a love that’s dying
Yeah, in your cold and empty bed, you’ll think of me, oh yes
You’ll think of me
The summer sun, girl, will bring a stranger
And he’ll be better to you than I used to be
And when he takes you into his arms, girl
Well, in your warm and loving bed, you won’t think of me, no, no
You won’t think of me
Then in your warm and loving bed, you won’t think of me, no, no
You won’t think of me
Email: s-tanaka@hatsuon-kyosei.com
HP: http://www.hatsuon-kyosei.com